Precisely How To Quickly Eliminate Writer's Block

By Raymond Walter Rodriguez

That horrible feeling. You've got a deadline. Either self imposed, or you've got a client who is expecting an article in a few hours. But all you've got in front of you is a blank screen. You've got nothing. You start to write, and then quickly realize it's not what you need. The more you try, the harder it gets. You've got the horrible writers block. If you can't think of anything to write, the client will be upset, and you'll never get any more business. You'll die homeless and penniless. Disgraced.

If you start worrying like that, you are certainly in big trouble. Of course, the more you worry, the worse it feels. Getting writer's block is one of the biggest enemies to making a good living as a writer. If you could only get rid of it once and for all, you'd be in good shape, right? Of course you would! And guess what? You are about to get rid of it right here, right now!

Naturally, the biggest cause of writer's block is that big white blank space in front of you. The best solution? Fill it up with words. Any words. Just start writing. Here's a tip: Turn on the TV, or some YouTube video, but turn off the sound. Just write, as quickly as you can, and describe what's going on. This will easily get those juices flowing.

Eventually, you'll get an idea of what you're really supposed to write about. Don't stop writing. Just let it morph into your topic. Worry about editing it later. Keep on typing, and let whatever comes out be OK. You may have to bang out three or four hundred words first, but once the juices start flowing, they'll start flowing.

If you don't have a TV nearby or YouTube is broken down, try this trick. Pretend the client is standing behind you. They are telling you what to write. Just listen to them, and write it down. If you feel the need to talk back to them, or ask questions, go right ahead. You'd be amazed how well this technique works. Just be careful that nobody sees you doing this.

Another trick is to come up with one word that describes what you are supposed to be writing bout. Google. Close your eyes and pick one of the results. Just move your mouse around and click something. Take five minutes reading whatever comes up. Then quickly write a summary, as fast as you can. It may not even be close, but it will get the juices flowing.

As long as you write something, anything, you'll be fine. But if you're going to sit there and wait for divine inspiration, you may be waiting for a long time.

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