Killer Content Marketing Strategy

By Brian Jones

Executing a great content marketing strategy may actually be the answer you're looking for to help drive more quality traffic to your site, build your list and make an increased amount of sales - without dividing future clients.

The idea is simple. Rather than blanketing the known universe with crass commercial advertising campaigns and trying to interrupt people's lives in the hopes of making a much needed sale, the goal is to provide handy information that's both appreciated and valued by people who are actively searching for an answer to their issues.

What's Content Marketing?

Content marketing means actively creating, publishing and promoting value-based content (think blog entries, articles, white papers, and instructional DVDs) in such a way as to attract potential prospects who are actively looking for your product, service or business opportunity now.

Put simply, a great content marketing strategy would seek first to appreciate precisely what your first target market is actively trying to find, making content to answer that expressed need in the market place and then promoting that content so it can be found easily.

Then, once you have caught their attention and they have engaged in your content, the first goal is to obtain opt-in permission to deliver your "marketing content" over an extended period of time. This gives you the opportunity to engage in a trust relationship, and the repeated exposures multiplies the opportunity to make a sale.

Content Marketing Strategy - the Foundation

There are lots of methods to profit with a good well-planned content marketing strategy. You can publish an educational blog, produce video tutorials, write e-mail newsletters, draft white papers and offer a variety of free reports or easy tools. Yet unless you know what, exactly, possible prospects are actively searching for... You'll have wasted your time.

The hidden key to implementing a successful content marketing strategy is to put yourself in the customer's shoes at the time they have an active want to find out more about whatever it is you offer. Then look for techniques to clarify and improve their life without recourse. Meaning do what you can to readily offer fantastic worth first before asking for the sale.

Now, online this means using the same words and phrases in your marketing content materials that customers use in their search queries. Then optimize and push your content to help it rank really high on the organic search site results so it can be easily found.

Content Marketing Strategy Reviewed

Content drives the Net, and your potential customers are constantly trying to find information that solves a problem they are now having. They aren't looking for a fast sales pitch. The trust, credibility, and authority that content marketing creates knocks down sales resistance, all while supplying a baseline intro to the benefits of a selected service. It puts you in the position of being a trustworthy counsel versus a loathed salesman.

The people, enterprises and social promoters that are having the most success online with lead generation and sales have a tendency to take an approach that involves a high ratio of valuable content that seems to present no overt sales agenda, mingled with regular promotional messages. Perhaps it's time you step up to the plate and execute your own content marketing strategy to take advantage.

About the Author:

monte escalier


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