The 5 Critical Chiropractic Website Components To Send Massive Amounts of New Patients To Your Clinic

By Richard Liem

In this day and age, it is a well known and excepted fact that people's first impression of a business that they are searching out information about is their website. Chiropractic is no different.

The simple fact of the matter is websites are definitely the new store front whether you possess an internet business or a brick and mortar shop. This being the case, people's thoughts about a company is founded on how their site looks and function. If you have a ordinary website, folks will view your clinic inferior or ordinary. When you have a website which will blow your website visitors away by enhanced visitor experience, you could bet that your visitors won't just have a very high opinion of your clinic, but chances are they will certainly speak to your office and book a consultation.

Imagine walking down the street to see a 30 or 40 store fronts all looking relatively the same, however the products in the store vary from clothes sold at Walmart to Armani and Dior. Now, you're the kind of person searching for Armani however, you can't enter the stores to see which one sells Armani, instead you have to stand down the road and select the store which you think sells what you would like based on the store front.

That's a very hard determination to make correct? Now, what happens if a store opens on that very same street where the store is beautifully decorated, incorporates a sophisticated and stylish signage and really sticks out from the other stores. Well, odds are you're gonna go right to that store and locate what your looking for and completely disregard the rest. Correct?

And that's just what online visitors will do after they see a bunch of chiropractic websites. If visitors see simply a plain static typical chiropractic website, visitors will perceive that clinic as below par (whether justified or otherwise). But if the visitor jumps on to a web site that blows them away and enhances their visitor experience they are going to look no further and make contact with your office.

What exactly makes a website stand above all the rest?

1. Contacting and communicating with your office must be BEYOND easy - in the world we are in today, everyone has little patience and time. Your chiropractic patients are no different. Having a well visible telephone number is essentially, but it's merely the start. Your chiropractic website must have a live chat function where any visitors can text chat to your staff via their phone and computer (btw statistics are indicating that more and more people are beginning to search on the internet using their smartphones than laptop and desktop computers!). Your site also needs Fillable Online Patient Intake Forms which can be emailed to your office (not merely printed out by your website visitor and brought to your office) and there must be an Online Patient Scheduler where patients can book their consults and appointments online.

2. Remove Website Clutter -Information needs to be concise rather than overwhelming - often times, chiropractors have websites where they jam pack it with infor, lots of tabs and way too many choices. This is actually a website killer! Just like the saying goes "less is better" If excessive information is given, individuals will feel overwhelmed and definately will jump off your web site visit your competition. In addition, since people are time sensitive and impatient they want their information in small packages so that they're able to get what they need to find out and then take action.

3. Site has to be visually stimulating - websites need to be visually stimulating and interesting. By this I don't mean having all these flashing lights and attention grabbing gimmicks. I mean one that is attractive and pleasant to the eye and one which makes visitors to want to not only explore your website further, but will drive them to make contact with your office to make a scheduled appointment.

4. Doctor must be able to build rapport with their visitors - This is massively essential and I cannot over stress this one enough. Too many chiropractors think that throwing up a few pics of them with patients or with their families will allow their visitors to get to know them and see how great and caring a doc he or she is. Well, this may have worked a number of years ago but it no longer does. Visitor-to-Doctor interaction IS the new standard. That is to say, visitors want to get to know the doctor not from pics of them on a page, but from interacting with them but from the comfort of their home! This is why Webinars (i.e. Live seminars online) are growing in epic proportions. Now I'm not saying that you have to be online live all the time during your office hours, but all your Lay lectures, promotional talks etc should be shown live online. Therefore, not only will you be lecturing to your patient standing before you in your clinic during your Lay Lecture, but now you'll be able to perform it in front of all the people online and interact with your online viewers by answering their questions.

5. Overburdening Visitors with emails and newsletters - A visitor email capture (having your visitors willingly provide you with their email address) and auto-responder (i.e. an email/ newsletter mailer that sends those visitors that have given you their email address information on an automatic and continuous basis). Much like #4, a lead capture and auto-responder built into your website is a MUST HAVE. In order to get as many of your visitors to book with your office, you need to be in constant contact with them and this is the reason why having a website that will automatically send out timed emails (i.e. auto-responder) to your visitors is so important. Sending out periodic emails to your visitors is critical for your clinic success because they will keep your clinic top of mind and thus, if your visitor feels the need to see a chiropractor, your clinic will be the one they call. Not your competitor. But you CANNOT email them too much! If your visitors/leads get an email from you more than 3 times per month, they will perceive your clinic as an annoyance and they will not only request to get off your mailing list, but you can bet they will never come to your office.

Now, if you have an old site or you have a site that does not incorporate the above 5 components, you may be thinking that this is going to be too costly to do, not to mention the cost of website optimization in order to build your online presence.

But fortunately there are options!

There are actually companies which you can find online that offer businesses with auto-responders services, patient scheduling services, webinar services and you could pay for them all or choose which ones you believe you need and according to your budget.

However, there is a better way.

And at the risk of taking the importance and necessity of these 5 essential website features and sounding sales pitchy, Promodocs specifically builds websites for chiropractors that incorporates all these features and much much more to create the most powerful chiropractic website available.

Our team of chiropractic website developer at Promodocs have spent countless hours and have done tremendous research in understanding what drives your online visitors to be motivated to not only tour your website but also to communicate and book an appointment with your clinic.

As a result, your Promodocs website will drive more new patients to your clinic than you ever thought possible and more than any other chiropractic website.

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