How To Quickly Evaporate Mistrust On A Sales Page

You've got the best offer ever, but they don't buy. Your product has won all kinds of awards, but they don't buy. You've got hundreds of testimonials from happy customers, but they don't buy. You've got a worldwide expert saying what a great product you've got, but they don't buy. You even offer a double your money back guarantee, and they can even keep the product, but they don't buy.

They don't believe you.
Don't take it personally. We humans have evolved a keen sense of detecting social cheats. In plenty of psychological experiments, simple logical problems boggle the mind's of the large majority of people. But phrase the same problem not in logical form, but in the from of a social situation, so to answer the problem you've got the sniff out the cheater, and the problem is easy as pie.

Every one of us has this huge, sensitive radar in our brains that goes off every time we think we're about to be taken advantage of.
Imagine what the world would be like otherwise.
Everybody could be tricked into buying rocks. Girls could be tricked into sleeping with any dude that came along. Guys would fall for every email scam ever invented. Girls would always be pregnant, and guys would always be broke.

Society would crumble.
Instead, mother nature has given us a powerful and unconscious filter that detects cheaters. And it's got a hair trigger. Mother Nature figures it's OK to throw out plenty of innocent people who mean us no harm in order to protect us from those that do.
As a marketer, you've got to overcome that. You've got to convince your readers, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are on the up and up. You are selling something real. You honestly want them to benefit from your product. You'll be around in case they have any questions. If they make a mistake and don't want your product, you'll fall over yourself to convince them that it's not their fault. It's your fault.

Can you see how simply offering money back guarantee doesn't usually cut it? Even if you have a money back guarantee, that doesn't take away the fear of being duped.
Nobody likes to be duped.

How do you avoid this?
Create a frame of trust. The first thing you should do in any sales letter is create a feeling of trust in your reader. You do this a couple of ways.
One is to pace your reader. Explain to them who you are, and why you are qualified to talk to them about their problem. Show them how much you understand about their problem. Describe it in great detail so that they know beyond a shadow of a doubt you aren't some snake oil salesman.

Another way is to show some obvious flaws about yourself. Give them something that shows you are a harmless goof just like them. You aren't a slick marketer trying to show the world how cool you are. You're just some guy or girl with a product that you think will help them. You've got problems, and you aren't shy about sharing them with your customer.

In short, convince them you're a real person, living in a real house, with real world problems and concerns. Somebody they wouldn't mind bumping into at the grocery store.
Do that, and you'll get rid of mistrust.
Do that, and you'll make a lot of money.

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